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Motor Sports 【数字 A-G H-N O-U V-Z 】 |
数字 top
18 Wheels of Steel Convoy (ValuSoft) \3,600 (税込\3,888) CD-ROM 4957727041280 |
アメリカ大陸を 18 輪大型トラックで横断する 3D ドライビングシミュレーター。一つ一つ仕事をこなし運送業のトップを狙え!U.S.
版。(9/2005) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium 4 1.2GHz or 100% compatible processor, 256MB
RAM, DirectX 9.0 (included), 32MB 3D Video Accelerator with DirectX 9.0
compliant video drivers, DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card, 500MB hard
drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive.
18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker (ValuSoft) \3,600 (税込\3,888) CD-ROM |
18 輪大型トラックで過酷な地域を横断する 3D ドライビングシミュレーター。U.S. 版。(5/2010)
OS: Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista, Pentium 4 2.2GHz or 100% compatible processor, 1GB RAM
(2GB on Windows Vista and Windows 7), 1GB hard drive space, 256MB graphics
card (GeForce FX or better class, ATI 9600 class), DirectX 9.0c or later
included, DirectX compatible sound card, 8x CD-ROM drive, keyboard and
18 Wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker 2 (ValuSoft/THQ) \3,600 (税込\3,888) CD-ROM |
18 輪大型トラックで世界の過酷な地域を横断する 3D ドライビングシミュレーター。U.S.
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista/7, Pentium 4 2.2GHz or 100% compatible processor, 1GB
RAM (2GB on Windows Vista/7), 540MB hard drive space, 256MB AGP DirectX
9 and T&L compatible video accelerator card (GeForce FX / ATI Radeon
9600 or better), DirectX 9.0c or later, DirectX compatible sound card,
CD-ROM drive.
A-G top
Big Rig Racing (ValuSoft) \3,000 (税込\3,240) CD-ROM |
大型トラック 3D レーシングシミュレーター。U.S. 版。(1/2008)
OS: Windows 00/XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP/Vista, Pentium III 900MHz, 512MB RAM, 200MB hard disk space,
DirectX 9 hardware compatible sound card and 32MB video card, 4x CD-ROM
drive, speakers or headphones, keyboard and mouse.
- Grand Theft Auto 2 (Rockstar / Xplosiv U.K.) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM
- トップダウンビューカーチェイス。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
- OS: Windows 95/98/ME/00/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 95/98/ME/00/XP, Pentium 200MHz or above, 32MB RAM, Direct3D compatible graphics card, 65MB free hard drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive.
- Grand Theft Auto Vice City (Rock Star / Take 2 U.K.) \5,800 (税込\6,264) CD-ROM
- 3D ドライビング + 3D バイオレンスアクション。U.K. 版。(5/2003)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
- OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 800MHz Intel Pentium III or 800MHz AMD Athlon or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2GHz AMD Duron processor, 128MB RAM, 8x CD/DVD-ROM drive, 915MB free hard disk space (+635MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression), 32MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers (GeForce or better), sound card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers, keyboard and mouse.
- 推奨スペック: Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor, 256(+)MB RAM, 16x CD/DVD-ROM drive, 1.55GB free hard disk space (+635MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression), 64(+)MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers (GeForce 3/ Radeon 8500 or better with DirectX Texture Compression support), DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with surround sound, gamepad (USB or joystick port).
GTR 2 - FIA GT Racing Game Game of the Year Edition (Simbin / 10tacle) \4,600 (税込\4,968) DVD-ROM |
FIA GT シリーズの 3D レーシングシミュレーター。GT Legends 含むスペシャルエディション。U.S.
OS: Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP, 1.8GHz Intel Pentium IV or 100% compatible, 512MB RAM,
1.7GB hard drive space (add 2.5GB for GT Legends), DirectX 8.1 compatible
graphics card with 64MB memory, DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card, keyboard
and mouse.
推奨スペック: Windows XP, 3GHz Intel IV or 100% compatible, 1GB RAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible
graphics card with 256MB memory, DirectX 9.0c compatible force feedback
steering wheel.
H-N top
- Insane (Codemasters)
\2,400 (税込\2,592) CD-ROM
- 3D オフロードレーシングシミュレーター。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。
- OS: Windows 95/98/ME/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 95 (not A)/98/ME/XP, Pentium II 233MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, DirectX
7compatible sound card, 8MB 3D graphics card, 4x CD-ROM drive, 100MB hard
drive space (after installation).
- 推奨スペック: Pentium III 500 CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB 3D graphics card.
- Optional multiplayer supports modem, IPX, TCP/IP network and DirectPlay.
Insane (Codemasters)
\2,400 (税込\2,592) CD-ROM
4957727029158 |
3D オフロードレーシングシミュレーター。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。
OS: Windows 95/98/ME/XP
最小スペック: Windows 95 (not A)/98/ME/XP, Pentium II 233MHz CPU, 64MB RAM, DirectX
7compatible sound card, 8MB 3D graphics card, 4x CD-ROM drive, 100MB hard
drive space (after installation).
推奨スペック: Pentium III 500 CPU, 128MB RAM, 32MB 3D graphics card.
Optional multiplayer supports modem, IPX, TCP/IP network and DirectPlay.
- The Italian Job (SCi)
\2,400 (税込\2,592) CD-ROM 4957727042911
- 3D ドライビングシミュレーター。4百万ドルの金を盗みマフィアとイタリア警察から逃げろ!オンラインマニュアル。U.K.
- OS: Windows 98/ME/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/XP (NOT compatible with Windows 95), Pentium II 300 or equivalent, DirectX 8.1, 64MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM drive, 16MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card, DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card, mouse & keyboard.
Mashed (Empire) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM 4957727041174 |
3D サバイバルレーシングシミュレーター。数々のコースでその他車の妨害をしながらトップを狙う。U.K.
版。(9/2005) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 1GHz Pentium III or AMD equivalent, 128MB RAM (256MB for Win 00/XP), 32MB graphics card, DirectX compatible sound card, keyboard..
Multiplayer: 1-4 player (single PC).
推奨スペック: Windows XP, 2GHz Pentium 4 or AMD equivalent, 512MB RAM, 128MB DirectX 9 graphics card, 4x USB Gamepads.
- Mercedes Benz Truck Racing (THQ) \6,200 (税込\6,696) CD-ROM 4957727026560
- Mercedes - Benz の 3D トラックレーシングシミュレーター。 European Truck
Race Championship に参戦できる。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。
- OS: Windows 95/98
- 最小スペック: 100% Microsoft Windows 95/98 compatible computer, Pentium 333MHz processor
or higher, 64MB RAM (128MB recommended), 6x CD-ROM drive,
- DirectX 7 (included) or higher, D3D compatible AGP graphics card with 16MB
(32MB recommended), DirectSound compatible sound card, mouse, keyboard.
- Support: 100% Microsoft Windows 95/98 compatible joysticks, standard joysticks and steering wheels, e.g. ThrustMaster steering wheels.
Monster Jam (Activision) \9,800 (税込\10,584) DVD-ROM |
3D モンスターカーアクション。U.S. 版。(1/2008)
OS: Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista, DirectX 9.0c, 2GHz processor, 256MB RAM, 5GB hard drive space, DVD drive, ATI Radeon 9600 or better or NVidia GeForce 8200 oe better, 16-bit SoundBlaster compatible sound card.
- Monster Jam Maximum Destruction
(Ubi Soft) \9,400 (税込\10,152) CD-ROM
- 3D モンスターカードライビングゲーム。U.S. 版。(12/2002)
- OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP only, Pentium III 500 or AMD K6-III 600 or better, Windows 98/ME/00 - 128MB RAM, Windows XP - 256MB RAM, 16MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card (32MB rec.), DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card, DirectX 8.1 (included), 4x or better CD or DVD-ROM drive (not for use on CD-RW's), approximately 500MB hard drive space.
- Motor City Online (EA) \980 (税込\1,058) CD-ROM 4957727024610
- ネットワーク専用 3D ドライビングシミュレーター。U.S 版。
- OS: Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 95/98/ME/00/XP (Windows NT is not supported), Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, Netscape Navigator 4.08 or higher or AOL 4.0 or higher, 28.8Kbps or faster Internet connection, 350MHz Intel Pentium II or AMD K6-2 processor, 64MB RAM, 4x CD/DVD-ROM drive, 800MB free hard disk space plus space for saved games, Windows swap file and DirectX 8.0a, 8MB supported Direct3D capable video card with with DirectX 8.0a compatible driver, DirectX 8.0a compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse.
- 推奨スペック: 500MHz or faster Intel Pentium III processor, 128MB or more RAM, 56K modem or faster Internet connection, 8x or faster CD/DVD-ROM drive, 16MB or greater supported Direct3D capable video card with DirectX 8.0a compatible driver, DirectX 8.0a compatible analog controller.
- Supported chipsets: NVidia GeForce3, NVidia GeForce2, NVidia GeForce256, NVidia Riva TNT2, NVidia Vanta, NVidia Riva TNT, ATI Radeon, ATI Rage 128 Pro, ATI Rage 128, 3dfx Voodoo5, 3dfx Voodoo3, 3dfx Voodoo Banshee, Matrox MGA-G450, Matrox MGA-G400 or Intel i810.
- Motoracer 3 (DSI / EA) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM
- 3D バイクレーシングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/2000, Intel Pentium III 450MHz, 64MB RAM, 650MB hard drive space, 8x CD/DVD-ROM drive, 16MB AGP graphics card, Direct 3D 3D accelerator required, DirectX 8.0a compatible video and sound card, keyboard, mouse, joystick or gamepad.
- Multiplayer: 1 CD per PC, Network: 2-8 players - IPX or TCP/IP compliant, Internet: 2-8 players - 56Kbps.
Motoracer 3 (DSI / Infogrames) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM |
3D バイクレーシングシミュレーター。U.S. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/2000
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/2000, Intel Pentium III 450MHz / AMD Athlon, 64MB RAM, 4x
CD-ROM drive, 16MB 3D video card, Microsoft DirectX compatible sound card.
推奨スペック: Intel Pentium III 600MHz / AMD Athlon, 128MB RAM, 24x CD-ROM drive, 32MB
3D video card, 56K Internet connection for multi-play.
MotoGP08 (Capcom U.S.) \7,400 (税込\7,992) DVD-ROM |
3D バイクレーシングシミュレーター。U.S. 版。
OS: Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista, Intel Pentium 4 processor, 512MB RAM (1GB for Vista),
8.0GB hard drive space, DVD compatible disc drive, 800 x 600 (SVGA) monitor,
DirectX 9.0c shader 3.0, NVidia GeForce 6600 series or higher or ATI Radeon
X1600 or higher, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound cards, keyboard. Internet
connection required for online play.
- NASCAR Racing 2002 Season (Papyrus/Sierra U.S.) \17,800 (税込\19,224) CD-ROM 4957727025884
- NASCAR 3D レーシングシミュレーター。U.S. 版。
- OS: Windows 98/ME/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/XP, Pentium II 450MHz, 64MB RAM, 16MB Direct3D compatible video card, 8x CD-ROM drive.
- 推奨スペック: Pentium III 800MHz, 128MB RAM, 32MB Direct3D compatible video card, DirectSound compatible sound card, DirectInput compatible game controller, 56Kbps modem.
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit (EA U.K.) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM |
3D ドライビングシミュレーター。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 95/98
最小スペック: Windows 95/98, 166MHz Pentium or compatible (Cyrix6x86, AMD A6) or 133MHz
Pentium processor with supported graphics acceleration card, 16MB RAM,
4x CD-ROM drive, 85MB free hard drive space.
推奨スペック: 200MHz Pentium or compatible (Cyrix, AMD), 32MB RAM, 270MB free hard drive space, 16-bit sound card, 3Dfx graphics accelerator.
Need for Speed Underground (EA U.K.) \3,200 (税込\3,456) CD-ROM 4957727038617 |
3D ドライビングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(11/2004)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon 700MHz, 128MB RAM,2.0GB hard drive space, 8x CD/DVD drive, 32MB Direct3D AGP/PCI video card, DirectX 9.0, keyboard, mouse.
Internet (2-4 players): Broadband Internet connection required. One set of game disc per player.
This the minimum specification your computer must meet to run this game,
Requires video and sound card compatible with DirectX 9.0 (included).*
Supported video cards: NVidia GeForce 2 or greater, ATI Radeon 7500 or
greater, Matrox Parhelia; SiS Xabre or Intel 865 chipset, Windows 00/XP
and Internet games requires 256MB RAM. Force Feedback and DirectX 9.0 compatible
controllers are supported.
Need for Speed Underground 2 (EA U.K.) \6,800 (税込\7,344) CD-ROM 4957727038679 |
3D ドライビングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Intel Pentium III 933MHz, 256MB RAM, 2.0GB hard drive space, 8x CD/DVD drive, 32MB Direct3D AGP/PCI video card, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0c, keyboard, mouse, joystick, gamepad.
Multiplayer: 1 set of game discs per player.
Network (2-6 players): TCP/IP compliant.
Internet (2-6 players): Broadband.
This the minimum specification your computer must meet to run this game,
DirectX 9.0c is included on this CD and may require the latest drivers
for your video card and sound cards.* Supported video cards: NVidia GeForce
2 or greater, ATI Radeon 7500 or greater.
Need for Speed Carbon Collector's Edition (EA U.S.) \6,600 (税込\7,128) DVD-ROM |
3D レースドライビング Need for Speed の最新版。U.S. 版。(11/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP, 1.7GHz or faster CPU, 512MB or more RAM, 8x or faster DVD
drive, 5.3GB or more free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c compatible video
card (see below), DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse or
USB Steering Wheel/Gamepad.
Video card with 32MB or more memory and one of these chipsets is required:
ATI Radeon 8500 or greater, NVidia GeForce 4 Ti series or greater.
Multiplayer requires one disc per PC and a broadband (cable, DSL or faster
Need for Speed Undercover (EA U.S.) \6,200 (税込\6,696) DVD-ROM |
3D レースドライビング Need for Speed の最新版。U.S. 版。(11/2008) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista, Pentium 4 or equivalent 3.0GHz or faster, 512MB RAM
for XP/ 1GB for Vista, 8x or faster DVD drive, at least 6GB of free hard
drive space, 128MB video (see below), DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card.
Video card must be 128MB or more and contain one of these chipsets: NVidia
GeForce (6600 or better); ATI Radeon (9500 or better); Intel G45 Express
Multiplayer requires one disc per PC and a 512kbps or faster connection.
One player per PC, Internet (up to 8 players).
Need for Speed Shift 2 Unleashed Limited Edition (EA U.S.) \6,600 (税込\7,128) DVD-ROM |
3D レースドライビング。Alfa Romeo Giulietta QV や Lamborghini Murcielago
LP640 等が運転出来る。U.S. 版。(4/2011)
OS: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP2/7
最小スペック: Windows XP SP3/Vista SP2/7, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0GHz / AMD Athlon X2 64
2.4GHz, 2GB or more RAM, 8x or faster DVD drive, at least 7GB of free hard
drive space, DirectX 9.0c compatible 3D accelerated 512MB video card with
Shader Model 3.0 or higher (see below), DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card.
Supported Video cards are Nvidia GeForce 8 series or higher, ATI HD3 Series
or higher.
Multiplayer requires one disc per PC and a 512Kbps or faster connection.
One player per PC. Internet or Network (2-12 players).
O-U top
- Paris Dakar Rally (Acclaim) \4,800 (税込\5,184)
CD-ROM 4957727023682
- パリ-ダカールラリーの 3D レーシングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
- OS: Windows 95/98
- 最小スペック: Windows 95/98, Pentium II 450MHz or 100% compatible, 128MB RAM, 850MB free hard drive space, 8x CD-ROM drive, DirectX 8a compatible sound card, 16MB AGP 3D video card (DirectX 8a compatible).
Race: The Official WTCC Game (Simbin / Eidos U.K.) \6,000 (税込\6,480) DVD-ROM |
3D ロードレーシングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(2/2007)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows XP
最小スペック: Windows XP, 1.7GHz Intel Pentium 4 or 100% compatible, 512MB RAM, 2.5GB
free hard drive space, DirectX 9 compatible graphics card with 128MB, DirectX
9 compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse, DirectX 9.
推奨スペック: Windows XP, 3GHz Intel Pentium 4 or 100% compatible, 1GB RAM, DirectX
9 compatible graphics card with 256MB, DirectX 9 compatible sound card,
DirectX 9 compatible force feedback steering wheel.
- Ralli Sport Challenge (Microsoft) \4,800 (税込\5,184)
CD-ROM 4957727041709
- 4 種類のラリーに参加出来る 3D レーシングシミュレーター。オンラインマニュアル。U.K.
- OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 733MHz processor, 128MB RAM, 1.5GB hard drive space, 32MB video card with hardware T&L support (GeForce, Radeon, and equivalent cards) See www.rallisportchallenge.com for complete list of compatible cards, DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card with speakers/headphones.
- Online/multiplayer requirements: 56.6Kbps or better for Internet play.
Rig`n`Roll (THQ) \3,400 (税込\3,672) DVD-ROM |
大型トラックで運送業界のトップを目指す 3D ドライビングシミュレーター。U.S.
版。(8/2010) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista/7, Pentium IV 2.4GHz or faster, 1.0GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce
5700 or ATI Radeon X800 with 128MB, DirectX 9.0 (included on DVD), DirectX
9 compatible sound card, PC DVD-ROM drive, 10GB hard disk space, keyboard
and mouse.
S.C.A.R. - Squadra Corse Alfa Romeo (Black Bean) \4,200 (税込\4,536) CD-ROM 4957727040740 |
3D レーシングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(7/2005) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP iwth DirectX 9.0c or higher, Intel Pentium III Athlon
800+MHz processor, 256MB RAM, 64MB 3D video card, 580MB uncompressed hard
disk space.
推奨スペック: Intel Pentium III 2.0GHz processor or higher, 512MB RAM, 128MB 3D video card.
Test Drive Unlimited Online (Atari U.S.) \6,800 (税込\7,344) DVD-ROM |
3D ロードレーシングシミュレーター。オフラインプレイ可能。U.S. 版。(4/2007)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 00/XP and above
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP and above, Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz or AMD Athlon 2800+, 512MB
RAM (1GB recommended), 8GB hard drive space, 8X DVD-ROM drive minimum,
ATI Radeon 9800 256MB VRAM or NVidia 6600GT with 256MB VRAM, video card
with Vertex/Pixel shader 2X and above is recommended, DirectX 9.0 compatible
sound card, DirectX 9.0c (included) or higher.
Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Atari U.S.) \6,000 (税込\6,480) DVD-ROM |
3D ロードレーシングシミュレーター。U.S. 版。(2/2011)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4400+, 2GB RAM, 18GB free hard drive space, 6X or faster disc drive, NVidia GeForce 8800 GTX / ATI Radeon HD 3870 or faster*, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0c (included) or higher.
* Integrated video cards, such as the ATI Radeon HD 3200 or Intel HD Graphics,
are not supported.
Multiplayer: Internet Broadband connection.
Keyboard, mouse. Internet connection required for online activation.
推奨スペック: Windows XP SP3, Vista SP2, 7, Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0GHz or AMD Phenom II
X2 555 (3GHz), 2GB RAM, 18GB free hard drive space, 6X or faster disc drive,
NVidia GeForce GTX 280 / ATI Radeon HD 4870 or faster, DirectX 9.0c compatible
sound card, DirectX 9.0c (included) or higher.
Multiplayer: Internet Broadband connection for multiplayer online play.
Keyboard, mouse. Internet connection required for online activation.
Optional Peripherals: Microsoft Xbox 360 controller for Windows.
- TOCA Touring Car Championship (Codemasters) \1,800 (税込\1,944)
CD-ROM 4957727029332
- 3D レーシングシミュレーター。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(11/2002)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
- OS: Windows 95/98/ME
- 最小スペック: Windows 95/98/ME, Pentium 166MHz (200 or higher rec.), 16MB RAM (32MB rec.), 4x CD-ROM drive (8x rec.), 4MB DirectX 5 compatible 3D graphics card, All DirectX 5 sound cards, Min. 30MB free hard drive space, mouse, keyboard. Optional; 8 player network.
TOCA 2 Touring Cars (Codemasters) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM 4957727028908 |
3D レーシングシミュレーター。オフィシャル RAC British Touring Car レーシングゲーム。
1998 年度チームとコースがそのまま出て来る。車種は Audi A4、ホンダアコード、Ford
Mondeo、日産 Primera、Peugeot 406、Renault Laguna、Vauxhall Vectra、Volvo
S40 から選べる上 Support Car Championship でさらに 7 機種(Jaguar XJ220、Formula
Ford、TVR Speed 12 等)が用意されている。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(10/2002)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 95/98/ME/XP
最小スペック: Windows 95/98/ME/XP, Pentium II 200MHz, 32MB RAM, DirectX 6.0 supported 3D graphics card with 4MB RAM, DirectX 6 compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, 55MB hard drive space, mouse & keyboard.
Optional multiplayer: Modem, IPX, TCP/IP network & DirectPlay.
推奨スペック: Pentium II 266MHz, 8x CD-ROM drive.
TOCA Race Driver 3 (Codemasters U.K.) \4,600 (税込\4,968) DVD-ROM 4957727043055 |
3D レーシングシミュレーター。35 種類のモータースポーツ、80 のサーキットが用意されている。U.K.
版。(3/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows XP
最小スペック: Windows XP, Pentium 4 or Athlon at 1.4GHz, 256MB RAM, Supported 32MB graphics
card, DirectX 9 compatible sound card, 6.0GB hard disk space, 2x DVD-ROM
drive, DirectX 9c,.
Multiplayer: TCP/IP mode (2-12 player) requirements: Broadband Internet connection
required - 512Kbps recommended for hosting, TCP/IP network.
推奨スペック: Intel Extreme Edition and Intel Pentium D or Athlon at 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM,
graphics card: ATI Radeon 8xxx and above, NVidia GeForce 4 and above.
7.0GB hard disk space.
Supported graphics cards: ATI Radeon 8xxx, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800, X700, X800,
X850. NVidia GeForce 3, GeForce 4 (not MX), GeForce FX, 5200, 5600, 5700,
5800, 5900, 5950, 6800, 7800. Intel Integrated Graphics. Not compatible
with all integrated sound/graphics solutions (including laptops).
TOCA Race Driver 3 (Codemasters U.S.) \5,600 (税込\6,048) DVD-ROM |
3D レーシングシミュレーター。35 種類のモータースポーツ、80 のサーキットが用意されている。U.S.
版。(3/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows XP
最小スペック: Windows XP, Pentium 4 or Athlon at 1.4GHz, 256MB RAM, Supported 32MB graphics
card, DirectX 9 compatible sound card, 6.0GB hard disk space, 2x DVD-ROM
drive, DirectX 9c,.
Multiplayer: TCP/IP mode (2-12 player) requirements: Broadband Internet connection
required - 512Kbps recommended for hosting, TCP/IP network.
推奨スペック: Intel Extreme Edition and Intel Pentium D or Athlon at 2.4GHz, 512MB RAM,
graphics card: ATI Radeon 8xxx and above, NVidia GeForce 4 and above.
7.0GB hard disk space.
Supported graphics cards: ATI Radeon 8xxx, 9000, 9100, 9200, 9500, 9600, 9700, 9800, X700, X800,
X850. NVidia GeForce 3, GeForce 4 (not MX), GeForce FX, 5200, 5600, 5700,
5800, 5900, 5950, 6800, 7800. Intel Integrated Graphics. Not compatible
with all integrated sound/graphics solutions (including laptops).
Turismo Carreera Gold Edition V 1.286 (777 Studio U.S.) \4,600 (税込\4,968) DVD-ROM |
アルゼンチンストックカーサーキットの 3D レースシミュレーター。U.S. 版。(2/2009)
OS: Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP 32/64/Vista 32/64, 1.4GHz processor, 512MB RAM, GeForce 4200
or Radeon 9200, 256MB video RAM, DirectX 9.0c, 2.0GB hard drive space.
推奨スペック: Intel Core 2 Duo E6600+, 2048MB RAM, GeForce 7900 or Radeon X1900, 512MB video RAM.
V-Z top
- V-Rally 3 (Atari
U.K.) \4,600 (税込\4,968) CD-ROM 4957727036842
- 3D ラリーレーシングシミュレーター。Peugeot 206, Subaru Impreza, Ford Focus
等の車種から選択出来る。U.K. 版。(4/2004)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
- OS: Windows 98/98SE/ME/00/XP
- 最小スペック: Windows 98/98SE/ME/00/XP, 800MHz processor, 128MB RAM, 1.8GB free hard drive space, 24x CD-ROM drive or 6x DVD drive, 32MB minimum, GeForce or Radeon class 3D card or superior graphic card, any DirectX certified sound card, latest DirectX (DirectX 9 included).
- 推奨スペック: 1.2GHz processor, 256MB RAM, 24x CD-ROM drive or 10x DVD drive, 64MB minimum 3D card.
Xpand Rally (Techland) \3,800 (税込\4,104) CD-ROM 4957727038204 |
3D ラリーレーシングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(10/2004)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 1.5GHz processor, 256MB RAM, 64MB video card compatible
with DX 9.0 (GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 9200 chipset), 700MB free hard drive
space, DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0b, CD-ROM drive, ISDN
Internet connection (for Internet multiplayer).
推奨スペック: AMD Athlon or Intel Pentium IV 2.0GHz processor, 512MB RAM, 128MB video
card compatible with DX 9.0 (GeForce FX 5700 or ATI Radeon 9600 chipset),
Broadband Internet connection (for Internet multiplayer).
Xpand Rally Xtreme (Techland) \6,000 (税込\6,480) DVD-ROM |
3D ラリーレーシングシミュレーター。U.K. 版。(2/2007) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, P4/AMD Athlon 1.8GHz, 256MB RAM, DirectX 9 compatible
graphic card with 128MB RAM (GeForce 5700 or ATI Radeon 9600), DirectX
8 compatible sound card, 2GB free hard disk space, DirectX 9.0c, DVD-ROM
drive, Modem 56.6K (for Internet multiplayer).
推奨スペック: Windows XP, P4/AMD Athlon 2.5GHz, 512MB RAM, DirectX 9 compatible graphics
card with 128MB RAM (GeForce 6600GT or ATI Radeon 9800), ISDN or Broadband
Internet connection (for Internet multiplayer).