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Linux Game

Quake III: Arena (Lokigames) \7,200 (税込\7,560)\2,800 (税込\2,940) CD-ROM 4957727018695
3D シューティング/アクション。★★★
OS: Linux
最小スペック: 3-D Hardware Accelerator with full OpenGL support, Pentium 233MHz MMX processor with 8MB video card or Pentium II 266MHz with 4MB video card or AMD 350MHz K6-2 processor with 4MB video card, 64MB physical RAM, Linux operating system using kernel version 2.2.x or greater, Glibc 2.0 or greater, XFree86 3.3.5 or greater, 25MB of uncompressed hard disk space for game files (minimum install), 4x CD-ROM drive, OSS compatible sound card.
Multiplayer requirements: Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported, Internet play requires a 28.8Kbps (or faster) modem, Internet and LAN play with the Macintosh and Windows version of this products *is supported.
*: A 100% full OpenGL compliant 3-D video card is required. Quake III Arena uses OpenGL to support 3-D hardware acceleration. Quake III Arena has been tested on many but not all of the major cards incorporating the chipsets listed below. OpenGL support under Linux is advancing rapidly. This product includes drivers for the cards listed below. For the most recent list of cards and drivers supported, please visit www.lokigames.com. All 3Dfx chips, Matrox G200/G400, Other cards listed at http://www.lokigames.com

Railroad Tycoon II Gold Edition (Lokigames) \5,800 (税込\6,090)\2,800 (税込\2,940) CD-ROM 4957727018879
OS: Linux
最小スペック: Linux kernel version 2.2.x (this product is not intended for use with any version of Windows), XFree86 3.3.x, Pentium class processor at 133MHz, 16MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM drive, 1024 x 768 monitor and video card, 200MB free hard disk space, Internet multiplay requires a 28.8Kbps modem.

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