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Simulation/Strategy 【H-J L-N O-R

H-J top

Larry Bond's Harpoon Ultimate Edition (Matrix U.S.) \11,800 (税込\12,744) DVD-ROM
冷戦時代の海戦ストラテジー/シミュレーション。 20周年記念版。過去の20以上のバージョンが含まれています。U.S. 版。
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
最小スペック: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7, 800MHz CPU (1GHz+ rec.), 512MB RAM (1GB rec.), 32MB video RAM, (64MB rec.), 16-bit sound card (DirectX8+ compatible), 3.5GB free uncompressed hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c or higher.

Hearts of Iron II (Paradox U.K.) \5,800 (税込\6,264) CD-ROM 4957727039393
第二次世界大戦の歴史的忠実なストラテジー/シミュレーション。 ノルマンディ上陸、オペレーションバーバロサ、太平洋前線と全てのシナリオが含まれている。U.K. 版。(3/2005)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 450MHz, 128MB RAM, 900MB free hard drive space, 4MB DirectX compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0 or higher (included).
推奨スペック: Pentium III 800MHz or better, 512MB or more RAM, 8MB or more DirectX compatible video card.

Hearts of Iron II (Paradox U.S.) \6,400 (税込\6,912) CD-ROM 4957727039157
第二次世界大戦の歴史的忠実なストラテジー/シミュレーション。 ノルマンディ上陸、オペレーションバーバロサ、太平洋前線と全てのシナリオが含まれている。U.S. 版。(1/2005)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 450MHz, 128MB RAM, 900MB free hard drive space, 4MB DirectX compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0 or higher (included).
推奨スペック: Pentium III 800MHz or better, 512MB or more RAM, 8MB or more DirectX compatible video card.

Hearts of Iron Anthology (Paradox U.S.) \5,400 (税込\5,832) DVD-ROM
Hearts of Iron, Hearts of Iron II, Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday, Boosterpack Armageddon を含む 4 本パック。U.S. 版。(9/2007)

Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium IV 1200MHz, 256MB RAM, 600MB free hard drive space, 4MB DirectX compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0 or higher

Heaven & Hell (CDV U.S.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM
God-Sim シミュレーションのリアルタイムストラテジー (RTS)。U.S. 版。(9/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Pentium III 800MHz, 64MB RAM, 4MB DirectX compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound card, 4x or faster CD-ROM drive, 950MB free hard dise space.
推奨スペック Pentium III 1.4GHz, 256MB RAM, 16MB DirectX compatible video card, 16x or faster CD-ROM drive, 1.5GB free hard disk space.
Hidden Stroke II: APRM (CDV U.K.) \6,400 (税込\6,912) CD-ROM 4957727040238
単独プレイ可能クォータービューリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。 U.K. 版。(4/2005) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium II 333MHz or better, 100% DirectX compatible sound and graphics card, 4x CD-ROM drive, 350MB free hard disk space.

Highland Warriors (Data Becker) \5,800 (税込\6,264) CD-ROM
3D リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.S. 版。(2/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Intel Pentium III 800MHz, 128MB RAM - Windows 98/98SE/ME, 256MB RAM - Windows 00/XP, 32MB GeForce 2MX or comparable (ie: ATI or Matrox model with T&L support), 100% DirectSound comparable sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, mouse, DirectX 8.0, 850MB free hard drive space.
For Internet play 56K modem Internet connection, GameSpy Arcade 1.1 or higher.
推奨スペック Intel Pentium III 1.3GHz, 256MB RAM - Windows 98/98SE/ME, 512MB RAM - Windows 00/XP, 64MB GeForce 3 or comparable (ie: ATI or Matrox model with T&L support).
For Internet play Broadband Internet connection, GameSpy Arcade 1.1 or higher.
Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge (Matrix Games/Tri-Synergy U.S.) \4,400 (税込\4,752) DVD-ROM
Jagged Alliance シリーズの最新作。U.S. 版。(1/2009)
OS Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック Windows XP/Vista, Intel Celeron 440 2.0GHz or AMD Athlon 3800+, 512MB RAM, NVidia GeForce 6200 128MB or Radeon HD 2400Pro video card, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, DVD-ROM drive, DirectX 9.0c.

History Channel Great Battles of Rome (CDV U.S.) \5,600 (税込\6,048) DVD-ROM
古代ローマ帝国軍の指揮をとり、ヨーロッパ征服、カルタゴ軍打倒を目指すリアルタイムストラテジー。ヒストリーチャネルのプログラムからの映像も含まれている。U.S. 版。(10/2007)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 00/XP/Vista
最小スペック Windows 00/XP/Vista, Intel Pentium 4 1.6GHz/AMD Athlon XP 1600+, 256MB RAM, *NVidia GeForce FX 5200/ATI Radeon 9000 64MB videoc card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0c, 750MB free hard disk space, DVD-ROM drive.
推奨スペック: Intel Pentium 4 2.2GHz/AMD Athlon XP 2200+, 512MB RAM, NVidia GeForce FX 6600/Radeon X800 128MB video card.
* The GeForce4 and integrated/onboard graphic cards such as Intel 82945SG/845G/852/855/865G/910 GML/915GM/VIA/S3G Unichrome IGP (and other models), and the SIS (all scale) will NOT run this game.
NOTE: Please ensure that your graphics and sound card drivers are up to date or you may experience problems running this game.

Great Battles Medieval (Slytherine/Maximum Family Games U.S.) \4,900 (税込\5,292) DVD-ROM
中世ヨーロッパの百年戦争のリアルタイムストラテジー。ヒストリーチャネルのプログラムからの映像も含まれている。U.S. 版。(5/2011)
OS Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック Windows XP/Vista/7, Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent, 1GB RAM, 128MB DirectX compatible graphics card, DVD-ROM drive, DirectX compatible audio card, DirectX 9.0c or greater.

Homeworld (Sierra) CD-ROM
Homeworld 2 (Sierra U.K.) \4,200 (税込\4,536) CD-ROM 4957727044038
Sci-Fi リアルタイムストラテジー/シミュレーション。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(7/2006)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III or AMD Athlon 833MHz, 256MB RAM, 1.2GB hard disk space, DirectX 9.0 or greater, 32MB OpenGL supported hardware T&L support,mouse.

Hooligans: Storm over Europe (Darkabre) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM 4957727032851
OS Windows 95/98/ME/XP
最小スペック indows 95/98/ME/XP, Pentium 300MHz (600 rec.), 64MB RAM (128MB rec.), 300MB free hard disk space, DirectX 8.0 compatible 3D graphics card with 4MB RAM, DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive (8x rec.), mouse & keyboard. Optional: 56Kbps modem.
Hotel Giant (JoWood) \2,400 (税込\2,592) CD-ROM 4957727041686
ホテル経営の 3D ビジネスシミュレーション。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(10/2005)
OS Windows 98/ME/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/XP, 350MHz compatible CPU, 64MB RAM, 900MB hard drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive, 16MB graphic card, DirectX 8.0a compatible sound card, DirectX 8.0a, keyboard & mouse.

Hotel Giant 2 (SouthPeak U.S.) \3,400 (税込\3,672) DVD-ROM
ホテル経営の 3D ビジネスシミュレーション。顧客を満足させサービス業の頂点を目指す。オンラインマニュアル。U.S. 版。(4/2010)
OS Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista (Windows 95/NT NOT supported)
最小スペック Windows 98/2000/ME/XP/Vista, 1.5GHz Intel Pentium 4 or processor of the same grade, 512MB RAM, 2GB hard drive space, NVidia GeForce 5 series or above, ATI Radeon 9 series or above, with 256MB video memory, DirectX 9 compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse.

House (Legacy) \3,200 (税込\3,456) CD-ROM
アメリカ人気番組 House M.D. のアドベンチャーシミュレーション。病状をみて正しい診断を下すシミュレーション。U.S. 版。(9/2010)
OS Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック Windows XP/Vista/7, Intel Pentium II 450MHz (or equivalent), 128MB RAM, 64MB 3D graphics card, DirectX 9.0c, 400MB available hard drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive.

Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile (Mylen Media) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM 4957727042232
古代エジプトの社会、都市を作り上げる 3D リアルタイムストラテジー。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(11/2005)
Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP with DirectX 9.0b, 800MHz processor or higher, 128MB RAM, 32MB DirectX 9.0b compatible video card,
16 bit DirectX 9.0b compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, 1.1GB uncompressed hard drive space, .
推奨スペック:2.0GHz processor, 512MB RAM, 64MB DirectX 9.0b compatible video card.

Imperialism II (Ubi Soft U.K.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727024658
国家を設立して世界征服を図るストラテジー/シミュレーション。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。
OS Windows 95/98/ME/XP
最小スペック Windows 95/98/ME/XP, Pentium 133MHz or equivalent, 16MB RAM, 100MB hard drive space, any DirectX 6.1 compatible graphics card (800 x 600 x 16bit colour), 4x or faster CD-ROM drive, any 100% DirectX 6.1 compatible sound card, printer required to print user manual, two networked computers required for multiplayer, Internet connection required for Internet play.
Imperium Romanum (Kalypso /SouthPeak U.S.) \6,000 (税込\6,480) DVD-ROM
ローマ帝国の発展を目指す総合シミュレーション。経済、軍事、被災等反映されている。U.S. 版。(4/2008)
OS: Windows 00/XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP/Vista, 1.7GHz Pentium/AMD processor or better, DirectX 9 compatible graphics card (GeForce 3/Radeon 9550 or better), 512MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, 1.5GB free hard disk space, DirectX 9.0c.
2.0GHz Pentium 4/Athlon processor or better, DirectX 9 compatible graphic card (GeForce 6600GT or better), 1GB RAM, 8x DVD-ROM drive.

Invasion Earth Collectors Edition (Sigma / D2D U.S.) \6,000 (税込\6,480) CD-ROM
ローマ帝国の発展を目指す総合シミュレーション。経済、軍事、被災等反映されている。U.S. 版。
OS: Windows 00/XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP/Vista, 1.7GHz Pentium/AMD processor or better, DirectX 9 compatible graphics card (GeForce 3/Radeon 9550 or better), 512MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive, 1.5GB free hard disk space, DirectX 9.0c.
2.0GHz Pentium 4/Athlon processor or better, DirectX 9 compatible graphic card (GeForce 6600GT or better), 1GB RAM, 8x DVD-ROM drive.

Iron Warriors: T-72 Tank Command (Battlefront.com/Strategy First U.S.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM
ロシア軍主力戦車 T-72B の 3D アクション/シミュレーター。他に T-34-85 と T-55A も操縦出来る。U.S. 版。
Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP, 1GHz Athlon or Pentium III CPU, 256MB RAM, DirectX 9.0 compatible video card (i.e. GeForce 2/4 MX or Radeon 7500), DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card, 2GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c.
推奨スペック: Windows XP SP1, 2.8GHz or higher Athlon XP or Pentium IV CPU, 512MB RAM, DirectX 9.0 compatible video card (i.e. GeForce FX5600 or Radeon 9600XT), sound card with DirectX 9.0 hardware support (i.e. SoundBlaster Audigy 5.1).

Jagged Alliance 2 Gold (Strategy First U.K.) \4,400 (税込\4,752) CD-ROM 4957727034657
Jagged Alliance 2 と Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business のダブルパック。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 95/98/ME/00/NT/XP
最小スペック Windows 95/98/ME/00/NT/XP, 300MHz processor or higher, 64MB RAM or higher, 500MB or more hard drive space, SVGA video or higher graphics.

Jane's 688(i) Hunter Killer

Jane's Fleet Command (EA) CD-ROM

Joan of Arc (Enlight U.K.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727035388
ジャンダルクの 3D リアルタイムアクション/シミュレーション。U.K. 版。(4/2004)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペックWindows 98/ME/00/XP (Windows 95 and NT not supported), 800MHz Intel Pentium III or processor of the same grade, 256MB RAM, 4x CD/DVD-ROM drive, 1.1GB hard drive space, NVidia GeForce 2, ATI Radeon or 3D cards of the same grade, DirectX 8 compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse.
推奨スペック1.5GHz Intel Pentium III or processor of the same grade, NVidia GeForce 3 or above, ATI Radeon 8500 or above, or other 3D cards of the same grade.

John Deere Drive Green (ValuSoft U.S.) \3,600 (税込\3,888) CD-ROM
3D 農業シミュレーション。U.S. 版。(2/2009)
OS Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック Windows XP/Vista, Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.5GHz or faster processor, 256MB RAM (512 for Vista), 300MB hard drive space, NVidia GeForce 2 or ATI Radeon or Intel Integrated graphics with 64MB of video memory or higher, Windows compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0c or higher (included on disk), 4x or faster CD-ROM drive, keyboard and mouse.

John Tiller's Campaign Series (Matrix / Talonsoft U.S.) \9,400 (税込\10,152) CD-ROM
John Tiller 作品の本格派第二次大戦シミュレーション East Front, East Front II, West Front, West Front: Battle Pack, West Front: Sea Lion, Rising Sun, Rising Sun: Imperial Strike と未発売の East Front II: Fall of the Reich が含まれた 8 本セット。U.S. 版。
OS Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7, 800MHz CPU, 64MB RAM (128MB for XP), 32MB video card, Windows compatible sound card, 1.5GB free hard disk space, CD/DVD-ROM, Windows compatible mouse and keyboard, DirectX9c+.

JTF - Joint Task Force (Sierra U.S.) \6,200 (税込\6,696) CD-ROM 4957727044373
世界の戦場に挑むストラテジー/シミュレーション。U.S. 版。(9/2006)
Windows 00/XP
最小スペック Windows 00/XP, Intel Pentium 4 2GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2000+, 512MB RAM, NVidia GeForce 4 (non-MX) or ATI Radeon 9500 directX 9.0c compliant video card with 128MB RAM, 3GB of uncompressed hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, Directx 9.0c (included), 4x CD/DVD-ROM drive, Microsoft compatible mouse & keyboard, 56K dial-up modem for online play, 10Mbps for LAN play.
推奨スペック: Windows XP, Intel Pentium 4 3GHz or AMD Athlon XP 3000+, NVidia GeForce 6800 GT video card with 256MB RAM, 1GB RAM, 24x CD/DVD-ROM drive, Broadband connection fro online play.

K-N top

Kingmaker (Avalon Hill U.S.) \8,500 (税込\9,180) 3.5" Disk
15世紀イギリスの薔薇の戦争のストラテジー/シミュレーション。U.S. 版。レアー品。※ OS, メディアにご注意下さい。3.5" ディスク版です。
MS-DOS 5.0 or greater
最小スペック: MS-DOS 5.0 or greater, IBM PC & 100% compatibles, 286 or higher CPU, 640K RAM, mouse & keyboard, VGA graphics, Rioland, SoundBlaster, Adlib & 100% compatibles required for speech, 5MB free hard disk space.

Knights of the Cross (Cenega) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727029271
15 世紀ヨーロッパのドイツとポーランドの歴史的な戦いが再現されているリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。(11/2002)
OS Windows 95/98/ME
最小スペック Windows 95/98/ME, Pentium II 300MHz, 64MB RAM, 8x CD-ROM drive, DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card, keyboard, mouse.
推奨スペック Pentium III 400MHz, 128MB RAM, 24x CD-ROM drive, 8MB graphic card.
Knights of Honor (Black Sea / EA U.K.) \3,800 (税込\4,104) CD-ROM 4957727038228
中世ヨーロッパで大国を導くストラテジー/シミュレーション。U.K. 版。(10/2004)
Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP, Intel Pentium / AMD Athlon 1GHz processor, 256MB RAM, 1.3GB hard drive space, 8x CD/DVD drive, 16MB PCI/AGP video card*, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0c,keyboard, mouse.
Multiplayer: 1 CD per PC.
Network: (2-6 players) TCP/IP compliant.
Internet: (2-6 players) 56.6Kbps.
* Supported video cards: 16MB and above capable of resolution 1024 x 768 or greater. Recommended video cards: NVidia GeForce FX series, NVidia GeForce series, NVidia Quadro series, NVidia TNT series, ATI Radeon 7000 or greater, ATI Rage 128 or greater.

Korea: Forgotten Conflict (Cenega) \6,000 (税込\6,480) CD-ROM 4957727033889
朝鮮戦争のクォータービューリアルタイムアクションストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。(11/2003)
OS Windows 98/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/00/XP, Pentium III 733MHz or Athlon 733MHz, 64MB NVidia GeForce2 / ATI Radeon video card, 256MB RAM, 1GB hard drive space, 8x CD-ROM or CD/DVD-ROM drive, Microsoft DirectX 9, DirectX certified sound card.
推奨スペック Windows XP, Pentium IV 1.5GHz or Athlon 1.5GHz, 64MB NVidia GeForce4 / ATI Radeon 8500 video card, 512MB RAM, sound card with 3D sound support.
Laser Squad Nemesis (Codo / Just Play) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM 4957727033315
e-mail 専用戦略シミュレーション。U.K. 版。(9/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium II or better, 64MB RAM, 40MB hard drive space, 8MB video card, DirectX 7.0 or better, a valid e-mail account.
Legion Arena (Slitherine / Strategy First) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM 4957727042546
ローマ帝国の 3D アクション/ストラテジー。U.S. 版。(12/2005)
Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 1GHz or Athlon 1GHz, 256MB RAM, 1GB hard disk space, DirectX 9.0c, 64MB video card, 1072 x 768 monitor.

The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring (Sierra U.K.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727034794
クォータービューリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。(12/2003)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Intel Pentium III 800MHz or AMD Athlon 800MHz processor, 256MB RAM, 2GB free hard drive space, 32MB AGP video card supporting hardware T&L using NVidia GeForce, ATI Radeon or more recent chipset with DirectX 9 compatible driver, DirectX 9 compatible sound card and speakers or headphoness, keyboard and mouse.
Internet service and minimum 56Kbps modem required to access online features.
The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring (Sierra U.S.) \5,800 (税込\6,264) CD-ROM 4957727034671
クォータービューリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.S. 版。(11/2003)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Intel Pentium III 800MHz or AMD Athlon 800MHz processor, 256MB RAM, 2GB free hard drive space, 32MB AGP video card supporting hardware T&L using NVidia GeForce, ATI Radeon or more recent chipset with DirectX 9 compatible driver, DirectX 9 compatible sound card and speakers or headphoness, keyboard and mouse. Internet service and minimum 56Kbps modem required to access online features.
Lost Empire (Paradox U.S.) \4,600 (税込\4,968) CD-ROM
Sci-Fi ストラテジー/シミュレーション。U.S. 版。(6/2008)
Windows XP/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista, 1200MHz CPU, 512MB RAM, GeForce 4 or similar (SM1.1) video card, 1GB hard disk space, DirectX 9.0c sound card.

Making History II: The War of the World (Muzzy Lane U.S.) \6,000 (税込\6,480) CD-ROM
20世紀人類最大の争いに200国から一国を選び指導者として参戦出来る。経済、政治、軍事産業等を動かし、勝利を目指す。U.S. 版。(7/2010)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック Windows XP/Vista/7, Pentium 4 or better CPU, 1GB RAM, 2GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with 256MB RAM or better.

Massive Assault (GMX Media) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727034411
クォータービューストラテジー。 U.K. 版。(11/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 600MHz CPU, 256MB RAM, 32MB 3D graphics card (DirectX compatible), DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 8.1, 8x CD-ROM drive, 650MB free hard disk space.
Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares (Microprose U.S.) \4,200 (税込\4,536) CD-ROM
U.S. 版。(8/2003)※CDケース版です。 (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 95/98
最小スペック Windows 95/98, 100MHz 80486DX/4 or higher (Pentium 90MHz or higher recommended), 16MB RAM, Super VGA video card (VESA compatible) with 640 x 480 x 256 colors, 2x CD-ROM drive, 75MB free hard drive space, SoundBlaster card or 100% compatible sound card supported.
Master of Orion 3 (Atari U.S.) \5,600 (税込\6,048) CD-ROM
宇宙制覇ストラテジー/シミュレーション。U.S. 版。※数に限りががあります。
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium II 300MHz or higher, 128MB RAM, 800MB free hard disk space, 8x CD-ROM drive, Windows 98/ME/00/XP compatible video card* (800 x 600 x 16 bit), Windows 98/ME/00/XP compatible sound card, DirectX 8.1 (included) or higher, keyboard, mouse.
Multiplayer: TCP/IP (LAN or Internet)
Modem: 56K or higher for Internet play.

* Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX 8.1 or higher.

Medieval Lords (Digital Jesters) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727038310
中世時代にで城、町を作り、外敵から守り、支配地を広げる 3D ストラテジー。U.K. 版。(11/2004)
Windows 98/ME/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/XP with DirectX 9.0b or higher, 1.2GHz or equivalent processor, 256MB RAM, GeForce 2 (or equivalent) 3D video card with 64MB RAM, DirectX 9 compatible sound card, 1.2GB free hard disk space.

Medieval II: Total War Gold Edition (Sega U.S.) \6,400 (税込\6,912) DVD-ROM
Medieval II: Total War とエクスパンションの Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms のダブルセットリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.S. 版。(3/2008)

Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP, 1.5GHz Intel Celeron, Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or equivalent, 512MB RAM, 17GBof uncompressed hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c (included), DirectX 9.0c compliant 128MB video card with Hardware acceleration and pixel shader 1.0 support, DirectX 9.0c 16-bit sound card and speakers or headphones, 4x DVD-ROM drive, Windows compatible mouse and keyboard.
スペック: 2.4 Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 64 processor or equivalent, 1GB RAM, 256MB NVidia GeForce 7300 or greater or ATI Radeon X1600 or greater, SoundBlaster X-FiTM series sound card.
Multiplayer Internet play requires Broadband internet connection (Cable, DSL or better) required.
LAN: Network card required.

Medieval: Total War (Activision U.S.) \3,800 (税込\4,104) CD-ROM
Shogun: Total War に続く中世時代ヨーロッパと北アフリカを戦場にしたのリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.S. 版。(8/2002)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック English version of Microsoft Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 3D Hardware Accelerator card required - 100% DirectX 8.1 compatible 16MB video card and drivers*, Pentium II 350 or Athlon processor or higher, 128MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM drive, 1.7GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 200MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX 8.1 compatible 16 bit sound card and drivers, 100% Windows 98/ME/00/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and drivers, DirectX 8.1 (included).
Required for Multiplayer Mode Pentium III 750 or Athlon processor or higher, Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported, Internet play requires 28.8Kbps (or faster) modem and drivers, LAN play requires network interface card and drivers.
Supported chipsets for Winfdows 98/ME/00/XP Matrox G550, Kyro II, ATI Radeon, NVidia TNT2 and TNT2 Ultra, NVidia GeForce 256, GeForce 2, GeForce 3 and GeForce 4 chipsets.
Important Note* Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Medieval: Total War. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 8.1 compatibility. (This product does not support Microsoft Windows 95 or NT).
Moon Project - Sequel to Earth 2150 (S.S.I.) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM
Earth 2150 の単独プレイ可能の続編。U.K. 版。
OS Windows 95c/98/ME
最小スペック DirectX 8.0, Windows Media Player 6.4 or higher, Pentium II 300MHz or greater (PIII 450 recommended), 32MB RAM (64MB recommended), 450MB free hard drive space (260MB for min. install and plus 190MB for swap file), 4x or faster CD-ROM drive, 3D hardware accelerator video card with 4MB RAM (8MB recom.); Voodoo2 or better, DirectX compatible sound card, Windows compatible mouse.
Multiplayer TCP/IP, IPX, and modem to modem (56K or better required for modem play; Internet Service Provider required for Internet play).
Moscow to Berlin: Red Seige (Cinemaware Marquee U.S.) \3,800 (税込\4,104) CD-ROM
第二次世界大戦ヨーロッパ東部前線のクォータービューリアルタイムアクション/ストラテジー。 U.S. 版。(6/2006)
Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium 1GHz, 256MB RAM, 1.2GB hard disk space, 64MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, mouse & keyboard.
推奨スペック: Pentium 1.4GHz, 512MB RAM, 128MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card, 20x CD-ROM drive.
Requires T&L enabled video card NVidia GeForce 3 or higher and ATI Radeon 8500b or higher.

The Movies Premiere Edition DVD (Activision U.S.) \9,200 (税込\9,936) DVD-ROM 4957727042256
映画制作の全てをコントロールしてヒット作を目指すシミュレーション。スタジオ設計、予算設定、映画ジャンル、俳優との契約等決めて監督を自ら出来る。U.S. 版。(11/2005)
OS: Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
スペック:最小: 3D Hardware accelerator card required - 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 32MB Hardware T&L capable video card and latest drivers*, English version of Microsoft Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 800MHz or Athlon 800MHz processor or higher, 256MB RAM, 2x DVD-ROM drive and latest drivers, 2.4GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers, 100% Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP compatible mouse, keyboard and latest drivers, DirectX 9.0c.
Supported Chipsets: Radeon 7000/7200/7500, Radeon 8500/9000/9200/9500/9550/9600/9700/9800, Radeon X300/X600/X700/X800
X850, NVidia GeForce 3/Ti, NVidia GeForce 4, NVidia GeForce FX 5200/5600/5700/5900, PCX 5300/5750/5950, GeForce 6600/6800
Important Note: *Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by The Movies. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 9.0c compatibility.
Online requirement:

Internet (TCP/IP) supported. Online content requires broadband connection and the latest drivers.
NOTICE This game contains technology intended to prevent copying that may conflict with some disc and virtual drives.

The Nations (JoWood) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM 4957727023415
クォータービューリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。
OS Windows 95/98/ME/2000
最小スペック Windows 95/98/ME/00, Pentium II 350MHz, 32MB RAM, 3D video card, 300MB free hard drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive, sound card, mouse.
推奨スペック Windows ME/2000, Pentium III 500MHz, 64MB RAM, DirectX 7/8 compatible 3D video card with 32MB RAM, 20x CD-ROM drive, DirectX compatible sound card, mouse.
Naval Combat Pack (Strategy First) \8,800 (税込\9,504) DVD-ROM
688(I) Hunter/Killer, Fleet Command と Sub Command の3D 海戦コンバットシミュレーター 3本セット。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。
Windows 2000/XP
最小スペック: Windows 2000/XP, Pentium III, 256MB RAM, 1.5GB hard drive space, 32MB video card (NVidia GeForce or ATI Radeon), DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card.

Neighbours from Hell 2 (JoWood / BigBen U.K.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727035845
隣の一家の休暇をつけて、いたずら番組制作を続行する?U.K. 版。(3/2004)
OS Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP
最小スペック WIN 9x/ME/2000/XP, Intel Pentium II 233MHz, 128MB RAM, DirectX 8 compatible graphics card with 8MB RAM, DirectX 8 compatible sound card, 130MB free hard disk space, 4x CD-ROM drive.
推奨スペック Intel Pentium III 500MHz, 256MB RAM, DirectX 8 compatible graphics card with 16MB RAM.
Nexus: The Jupiter Incident (HD Interactive / Sierra U.K.) \8,800 (税込\9,504) CD-ROM 4957727038495
Sci- Fi- 3D リアルタイムアクション/ストラテジー。U.K. 版。(11/2004) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98/2000/XP
最小スペック: Windows 98/2000/XP, Pentium III 1.0GHz or AMD Athlon 1.0GHz or faster (1.7GHz or faster recommended), 128MB RAM (256MB rec.), 1.4GB free hard disk space, NVidia GeForce 2 video card (64MB NVidia GeForce 4 or ATI Radeon Hardware T&L card recommended), Windows 98/2000/XP compatible sound card, 4x CD-ROM drive, DirectX 9.0.b or higher
Multplayer 64Kbps modem for LAN/Internet play (Broadband Internet connection recommended)

O-R top

Operation Flashpoint Game of the Year (Codemasters) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM
Operation Flashpoint, Red Hammer と Resistance の 3 本セットの 3D ストラテジー/シミュレーション。オンラインマニュアル。U.K. 版。(11/2004)
OS Windows 98/ME/XP (Vista compatible)
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/XP (Vista compatible) with DirectX 8.1, Pentium or Athlon 500MHz, 128MB RAM, 16MB DirectX 8.1 compatible 3D card, 16 bit DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card, 8x CD-ROM drive, 550MB hard drive space, 250MB hard drive space after installation.
推奨スペック Pentium or Athlon 700MHz, 256MB RAM, 32MB DirectX 8.1 compatible 3D card, 24x CD-ROM drive, 500MB hard drive space after installation.
Supported 3D chipsets (Direct3D compatible cards) 3dfx - Voodoo3/4/5; ATI - Rage 128 pro, Radeon; Matrox - G400, G450, G500, G550; NVidia - Riva TNT, Rive TNT2, GeForce, GeForce2, GeForce3, GeForce4; S3 - Savage 2000; PowerVR - Series 3 (Kyro II).
TCP/IP mode (2+ players) requirements minimum 56Kbps modem (128Kbps recommended to host), TCP/IP network, any other 100% Microsoft DirectPlay supported network.
Operation Flashpoint Gold Upgrade - Red Hammer (Codemasters) \980 (税込\1,058) CD-ROM
Operation Flashpoint の公式アップグレードパック。※ Operation Flashpoint が必要です。U.K. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 95/98/ME/2000
最小スペック See Operation Flashpoint requirements.
O.R.B. (Strategy U.S.) \4,400 (税込\4,752) CD-ROM 4957727029868
3D Sci-Fi- ストラテジー/シミュレーション。U.S. 版。(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS: Windows 95/98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 95/98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III / Athlon 600MHz, 128MB RAM, 500MB hard drive space, 3D video card with 16MB VRAM, DirectX 8.1 or higher, DirectX compatible sound card, 56K modem for LAN and Internet.

Original War (Altar/Virgin) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM 4957727027826
3D リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS) 。U.K. 版。
OS Windows 95/98
最小スペック Windows 95, Intel Pentium II 266 PC (or 100% compatible CPU), 64MB RAM, 500MB free hard drive space, 8x CD-ROM drive, DirectX certified sound card.
推奨スペック Windows 98, Intel Pentium III 450 PC, 128MB RAM.
Multiplay 56K Internet connection (recommended PC spec. or better required) for Internet play. IPX or TCP/IP Local Area Network for network play.
Pacific Storm (Buka / CDV U.S.) \5,800 (税込\6,264) CD-ROM 4957727044502
第二次大戦太平洋前線アクション/ストラテジー。U.S. 版。(9/2006)
OS: Windows XP
最小スペック: Windows XP, Pentium 4 1700MHz, 512MB RAM, NVidia GeForce 4 MX video cards and Intel Onboard video cards will not run this game. Video card must be T&L accelerated. DirectX 9 compatible 3D accelerator with 64MB RAM of video memory (NVidia GeForce 4 Ti 4600 / GeForce FX 5200 or ATI Radeon 9200), Any DirectX compatible sound card, 12x or better CD-ROM drive, 3.0GB hard disk space, DirectX 9.0c or higher, keyboard, mouse required, joystick recommended.
Pentium 4 2400MHz, 768MB RAM, compatible sound card, DirectX 9 compatible 3D accelerator with 128MB RAM of video memory (NVidia GeForce FX5600 or ATI Radeon 9600 and higher).

Panzer Command: Operation Winterstorm (Kolos Works/ Matrix) \5,400 (税込\5,832) CD-ROM 4957727044977
第二次大戦東部前線 3D ストラテジーシミュレーション。U.S. 版。(12/2006)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium 1.2GHz / AMD 2200+, 256MB RAM (512MB for XP), DirectX 9 compatible dedicated video card 64MB (Low texture quality), 128MB (Medium texture quality), 256MB (High texture quality), DirectX 9 compatible sound card, CD-ROM drive, 550MB free hard drive space, Microsoft DirectX 9.0c / Managed DirectX / Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 (all included).

Panzer Commander (S.S.I./Mindscape) \2,800 (税込\3,024) CD-ROM
第二次大戦の 3D タンクシミュレーター。フランス、ドイツ、イギリスとアメリカ軍の戦車が 24 種類用意されている。多数のシナリオがある上シナリオエディターも用意されている。
OS Windows 95
最小スペック Windows 95, Pentium 133, 16MB RAM, Hard drive, 4x CD-ROM drive and mouse, DirectX compliant sound card, 2MB SVGA card (4MB for 3D acceleration), 28.8 Kbps modem required for Internet play.
推奨スペック Pentium 166MHz, 32MB RAM, 8x CD-ROM drive, 3D accelerator card with 4MB RAM, Requires DirectX5 (supplied on disk), DirectX5 certified video/sound card drivers required.
Panzer Elite Special Edition (JoWood) \3,800 (税込\4,104) CD-ROM
第二次大戦小隊レベル 3D アクション/ストラテジー。新たなシナリオ、戦車、エディター等が含まれたスペシャルエディション。U.K. 版。(6/2004)
OS Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP
最小スペック Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP, Pentium II 350, 64MB RAM, 4MB DirectX 7 compatible graphics card, DirectSound 7 compatible sound card, approx. 750MB hard disk space, DirectX 7.
推奨スペック Pentium II 500, 128MB RAM, 16MB DirectX 7 compatible 3D accelerator card, approx. 1GB hard disk space, no multiplayer with Windows XP or 2000. Also playable without 3D accelerator.
Paradise Cracked (Buka / Oxygen) \3,800 (税込\4,104) CD-ROM 4957727036118
3D ストラテジー。U.K. 版。(4/2004)
OS Windows 95/98+
最小スペック Windows 95/98+, Celeron 300MHz, 64MB RAM, 2nd generation 3D accelerator (Voodoo 2, TNT), 8x CD-ROM drive, 40MB hard disk space,
DirectX 7+, 3D sound EAX and Aureal3D, DS3D.

推奨スペック Celeron 450MHz, 3rd generation 3D accelerator (Voodoo 3, TNT2).

Patrician III (Ascaron) \5,800 (税込\6,264) CD-ROM 4957727034091
第三弾のハンザ同盟時代のドイツ経済、政治を含む貿易シミュレーション。U.K. 版。(11/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium II 233MHz, 32MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM drive, 8MB graphics card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 7.1 or higher (included), Network card for LAN multiplayer mode, Internet connection for online multiplayer mode.
推奨スペック Pentium III 450MHz, 64MB RAM, 660MB hard drive space, 8x CD-ROM drive, 32MB Direct3D compatible 3D accelerated graphics card.
Patrician IV: Conquest by Trade (Kalypso) \6,000 (税込\6,480) DVD-ROM
中世後半北ヨーロッパで経済大国を目指す貿易シミュレーション。U.S. 版。(12/2010)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック Windows XP/Vista/7, 2GHz processor, 3GB RAM, 5GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with 256MB.

Pax Romana (Galilea) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727034756
ローマ帝国の帝王を目指す政治、軍事シミュレーション。U.S. または U.K. 版。(11/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペックWindows 98/ME/00/XP, 500MHz CPU, 128MB RAM, 4x CD-ROM drive, DirectX 8.1 compatible 32MB 3D Accelerated card, DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card, 700MB free hard drive space, mouse & keyboard.
推奨スペック 700MHz processor, 256MB RAM, DirectX 8.1 compatible 64MB 3D Accelerated card.
Perimeter 2: New Earth (Strategy First U.S.) \4,600 (税込\4,968) DVD-ROM
3D Sci-Fi リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.S. 版。(2/2009)
OS Windows XP
最小スペック Windows XP, DirectX 9.0c, Pentium 4 3.0GHz or Athlon XP 2500+, 512MB RAM, GeForce 6600 128MB graphics card, DirectX 9 compatible sound card, 8GB hard drive space. Please note that the game is not compatible with all integrated sound/graphics solution (incl. Laptops).

Police Quest Collection (Sierra U.S.) \3,900 (税込\4,212) CD-ROM 4957727044595
3D アドベンチャー。 シリーズの 4 作全てが含まれているセット。オンラインマニュアル。U.S. 版。(10/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 800MHz processor or equivalent Athlon processor, 128MB RAM, Microsoft compatible video and sound card, CD-ROM drive, 100% Windows-compatible mouse, 500MB hard drive space, printer.

Populous (3) - The Beginning (Bullfrog/EA) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM 4957727014420
God - Sim の元祖の最新作。★★★ PC ZONE 92% (12/98) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 95/98
最小スペック Windows 95/98, Pentium 133MHz (200 recommended), 16MB RAM (32MB rec.), 100MB (110MB rec.) free hard disk space, 4x (8x rec.) CD-ROM drive, mouse.
Supported 3D Hardware Direct3D supported - 3Dfx Voodoo/Voodoo 2/Voodoo Rush, Intel i740, Matrox G200, Ati Rage Pro, Riva 128/ZX/TNT, Verite 2100/2200, SiS 6326, Savage3D, PowerVR PCX2, Peremedia 2.
マルチプレイ Network (2-4 PCs, 1 CD per player); IPX or TCP/IP compliant network, Internet play requires 28.8 kbps modem or faster connection. Modem (2 PCs, 1 CD per player); Windows 95/98 supported 28.8 kbps modem.
Port Royale (Ascaron) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727031939
カリブ海中心新世界でのリアルタイムストラテジー。U.K. 版。(4/2003)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium II 450, 64MB RAM, 500MB hard drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive, 16MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 8.1 (included), Network card for multiplayer mode.
推奨スペック Pentium III 900 or higher, 128MB RAM, 32MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card.
Port Royale 2 (Ascaron) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM 4957727037818
17 世紀カリブ海新世界の開拓リアルタイムストラテジー。U.K. 版。(9/2004) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 700MHz, 128MB RAM for Windows 98SE/ME, 256MB RAM for Windows 00/XP, 700MB hard drive space, 4x CD-ROM drive, 32MB DirectX 8 compatible graphics card, DirectX compatible sound card, DirectX 9 or higher (supplied on CD), 1024 x 768 resolution required for full screen mode.
推奨スペック: Pentium 4 1.6GHz or higher, 512MB RAM or higher, 64MB DirectX 9 compatible graphics card, DirectX 9 compatible sound card.
Note: Some non-standard Notebook/Laptop chipsets may be incompatible.

Praetorians (Eidos U.K.) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM 4957727037658
ローマ帝国の拡大を目指すリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。(8/2005)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 500MHz or equivalent, 128MB RAM (Win 98/ME), 256MB RAM (Win 00/XP), 16MB graphics card (DirectX 8 compatible), desktop display at 1024 x 768 resolution, 600MB free hard drive space.
推奨スペック Pentium III 800 or greater, 256MB RAM, 32MB graphics card (DirectX 8 compatible, Broadband network connection.
Network Pentium III 700 or equivalent, 56K/cable/broadband network connection.
The Punic Wars: A Clash of Two Empires (Excalibur) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM
ローマ帝国とカルタゴの 2 大都市国家のクォータービューリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。(6/2004)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, IBM-PC or compatible PC, 400MHz Pentium II processor (600MHz recommended), 128MB RAM (196MB rec.), 4x or faster CD-ROM drive, 1024 x 768 video card with thousands of colours, DirectX 8.1 or higher.

Sid Meier's Railroads! (Firaxis / Take 2 U.S.) \6,800 (税込\7,344) CD-ROM
鉄道王を目指す鉄道ビジネスシミュレーション。U.S. 版。(12/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 2000/XP
最小スペック: Windows 2000/XP, 1.4GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent, 512MB RAM, CD-ROM drive, 64MB video card with hardware pixel and vertex shaders (GeForce 3, Radeon 8500 or better), DirectX 7 compatible sound card, CD-ROM drive, 1.7GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c (included).
推奨スペック Windows 2000/XP, 2.0GHz Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent (or better), 1GB RAM, 128MB video card with pixel shader 2.0 support (Radeon x800, GeForce 6800), DirectX 7 compatible sound card, CD-ROM drive, 1.7GB free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c (included).

Rail Simulator (EA U.S.) \6,400 (税込\6,912) DVD-ROM
3D トレインシミュレーター。アメリカ、英国、ドイツの路線が1000マイル以上用意されている。U.S. 版。(2/2008)
Windows XP SP2/Vista
最小スペック: Windows XP SP2/Vista, Intel Pentium 4/AMD Athlon 1.7 GHz(2.6GHz for Vista), 512MB RAM or more, 8x or faster DVD drive, 3.5GB or more free hard drive space, DirectX 9.0c/10 compatible (see below) video card, DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, keyboard and mouse.
Video adapter must be AGP or PCI-E, have 250MB or more memory, have Pixel Shader 2.0 or above, and have one of the following chipsets: ATI Radeon 9600 or greater; NVidia GeForce 6200 or greater.

Railroad Tycoon 3 (PopTop/Take 2 U.K.) \5,900 (税込\6,372) CD-ROM 4957727034145
鉄道経営シミュレーションの最新版。3D モードが加わり、28 のシナリオで鉄道王を目指す。U.K. 版。(12/2003)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP,400MHz processor, 128MB RAM, 1.2GB hard drive space, 16MB 3D video card (32MB recommended), 4x CD-ROM drive, mouse, keyboard, DirectX compatible sound card with speakers/headphones recommended, 56K modem for optional Internet play.
Railworks 2 Train Simulator (Tri-Synergy) \3,200 (税込\3,456) DVD-ROM
3D トレインシミュレーター。U.S. 版。(10/2011) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows XP/Vista/7
最小スペック: Windows XP/Vista/7, 1.7GHz or faster processor, 512MB RAM, 6GB hard disk space, 64MB with Pixel Shader 2.0 (AGP PCIe only), DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card, DirectX 9.0c (included). Requires Internet connection and free Steam account to activate.

Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 (Bold Games U.K.) \4,800 (税込\5,184) CD-ROM
第二次大戦東部前線の 3D リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。
OS: Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP, Pentium 4 1.3GHz or AMD equivalent, 256MB RAM, 2GB free hard disk space, DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card, 64MB DirectX 9 compatible (ATI 7500, NVidia MX440 or higher), DirectX 9.0c (included on CD).
Multiplayer: Broadband Internet connection required for online play. Internet connection required for activation during install and for online or LAN play.

Rise of Nations: Thrones & Patriots Exp. (Microsoft U.K.) \1,800 (税込\1,944) CD-ROM 4957727036491
3D リアルタイムストラテジー(RTS) Rise of Nations のエクスパンション。※ Rise of Nations が必要です。U.K. 版。(6/2004)
Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Requires Rise of Nations to play, Windows 98/ME/00/XP, 500MHz processor, 128MB RAM, 16MB 3D card. Check for compatible cards at
www.riseofnation.com ,audio board with speakers and/or headphones.
Online / Multiplayer requirements: 56.6kbps or better for Internet play.

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Exp. - Wacky Worlds (Infogrames U.S.) \980 (税込\1,058) CD-ROM 4957727032295
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 のエクスパンション。世界中の観光名所に自作のローラコースターを設置し運営出来る。※ Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 が必要です。U.S. 版。(5/2003)(現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
OS Windows 98/ME/00/XP
最小スペック Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium II 300MHz or equivalent, 64MB RAM (128MB RAM recommended), 150MB free hard disk space (200MB recommended), 4x or faster CD-ROm drive (8x recommended), Windows 98/ME/00/XP compatible video card*, Windows 98/ME/00/XP compatible sound card*, DirectX 8.1 or higher.
* Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX 8.1 or higher.
Rome: Total War Gold Edition (Sega U.K.) \6,200 (税込\6,696) DVD-ROM 4957727042881
古代ローマ時代ヨーロッパでローマ軍、カルタゴ軍、等史上最強の軍の指揮をとり、帝国の拡大を図るリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)と Rome: Total War Barbarian Invasion の
ダブルパック。U.K. 版。(2/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: English version of Microsoft Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon 1.0GHz processor or higher, 256MB RAM, DVD-ROM drive and latest drivers, 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16-bit sound card and latest drivers, 100% Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP compatible mouse, keyboards and latest drivers, DirectX 9.0c (included), 1024 x 768 monitor resolution, 3D hardware Accelerator Card required - 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB Hardware Acclerated video card and the latest drivers*.
Multiplayer Requirements Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported, Internet play requires Broadband connection and latest drivers, LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.
Supported chipsets ATI Radeon 8500, ATI Radeon 9000, ATI Radeon 9500, ATI Radeon 9600, ATI Radeon 9700, ATI Radeon 900, NVidia GeForce 3 and higher.
Important Note * Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Rome: Total War Barbarian Invasion. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 9.0c compatibility.

Rome: Total War (Activision U.K.) \4,600 (税込\4,968) CD-ROM 4957727038112
古代ローマ時代ヨーロッパでローマ軍、カルタゴ軍、等史上最強の軍の指揮をとり、帝国の拡大を図るリアルタイムストラテジー(RTS)。U.K. 版。(10/2004) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: English version of Microsoft Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon 1.0GHz processor or higher, 256MB RAM, 8x CD-ROM drive and latest drivers, 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible 16 bit sound card and latest drivers, 100% Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP compatible mouse, keyboards and latest drivers, DirectX 9.0b (included), 1024 x 768 monitor resolution, 3D hardware Accelerator Card required - 100% DirectX 9.0b compatible 64MB Hardware Acclerated video card and the latest drivers*.
Multiplayer Requirements Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported, Internet play requires Broadband and latest drivers, LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.
Supported chipsets ATI Radeon 8500, ATI Radeon 9000, ATI Radeon 9500, ATI Radeon 9600, ATI Radeon 9700, ATI Radeon 900, NVidia GeForce 3 and higher.
Important Note * Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets listed here may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Rome: Total War. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 9.0b compatibility.

Rome Total War Exp.: Alexander (Activision U.K.) \3,400 (税込\3,672) CD-ROM 4957727044908
Rome: Total War のエクスパンションパック。アレクサンダ大王ー率いるカルタゴ軍を相手に勝利を収められるか?
※ Rome: Total War が必要。U.K. 版。(11/2006) (現在在庫切れ、再入荷未定)
Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP
最小スペック: Rome: Total War, English version of Microsoft Windows 98/ME/00/XP, Pentium III 1.0GHz or Athlon 1.0GHz processor or higher, 256MB RAM, 8x CD-ROM drive and latest drivers, 2.9GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 500MB for Windows swap file), 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 16 bit sound card and latest drivers, 100% Windows 98SE/ME/00/XP compatible mouse, keyboards and latest drivers, DirectX 9.0c (included), 1024 x 768 monitor resolution, additional 431MB free hard drive space required for Alexander expansion pack. 3D hardware Accelerator Card required - 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible 64MB Hardware Acclerated video card and the latest drivers*.
Multiplayer Requirements Internet (TCP/IP) and LAN (TCP/IP) play supported, Internet play requires Broadband and latest drivers, LAN play requires network interface card and latest drivers.
Important Note * Some 3D accelerator cards with the chipsets may not be compatible with the 3D acceleration features utilized by Rome: Total War. Please refer to your hardware manufacturer for 100% DirectX 9.0b compatibility.

Rush for Berlin (Paradox U.S.) \4,400 (税込\4,752) CD-ROM 4957727043932
第二次世界大戦ヨーロッパ全線のクォータービューリアルタイムストラテジー/シミュレーション。 (RTS)U.S. 版。(6/2006)
Windows 00/XP
最小スペック: Windows 00/XP with SP1, XP64, 1.7GHz Intel Pentium 4 or similiar AMD, 512MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible video card with at least 32MB RAM, DirectX 9.0c compatible 16 bit audio card, DVD-ROM drive, 4.0GB free hard disk space, 56K modem for multiplayer mode.

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